It is Moni Stavropigiaki, that was founded in the 16th century. Has played a major role in Cretan Revolts and indeed in the revolution of 1866, when there was shelter and center of rebels. There was very rich Single with large estates. In 1831 it was established that the first Greek school.
It is Moni Stavropigiaki, that was founded in the 16th century. Has played a major role in Cretan Revolts and indeed in the revolution of 1866, when there was shelter and center of rebels. There was very rich Single with large estates. In 1831 it was established that the first Greek school.
The general ledger is part of the type of two-aisled temple, dedicated to Agios Ioannis Theologian and the evangelization of the Virgin Mary, built in 1836, but has undergone subsequent repairs. The Monastery houses cells, the former was constructed together with prior’s apartment converted into a hostel, the new was constructed together with prior’s apartment in 1900, library and museum.
The collections of Preveli Monastery included:
- Image Gallery,
- Collection of vestments
- Collection of ecclesiastical utensils,
- Collecting relics.
The most important exhibits of the Museum of the Monastery are:
- Sigilio in film, on the pretext of the monastery in Moni Stavropigiaki, monastery, 1798,
- Stavros blessings of gold-plated silver, colorful enamel and semi-precious stones, 1708,
- Silver-embroidered Gospel, 1807,
- Gospel with cover from gold-plated silver, 1847,
- Gospel with silver cover, 19TH century,
- Gold Plated grail, with cover, 1847,
- Collection metal stamps 19TH century,
- Collection metal buckle, 19th-century,
- Collection gold-embroidered vestments, 19th-century,
- Collection metal ecclesiastical functional utensils.
Recently renovated mansion of Aktarika downtown and going to house the Vikelaia Library of Heraklion, a cultural institution with a great history which has justly been called "Academy of Sciences", as in previous years produced sufficient spiritual project in Humanities and the Arts .
The Museum school life N. Chania was founded by the Local Authority Chania after initiative and proposal educational and spiritual people.
An established and preferred choice of those who prefer to be close to the center. Combine the visit to the beach with a trip to Nerospilia, a cave with wonderful stalactities and stalagmites.
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