The Monastery of Agia Triada of Τzagkarolon was built in the early 17th century by wanne Ιeremia and Larentio,venetian-cretan family of Τzagkarolon in smaller, property of hieromonk Joachim and Sofianou.
The Monastery of Agia Triada of Τzagkarolon was built in the early 17th century by wanne Ιeremia and Larentio,venetian-cretan family of Τzagkarolon in smaller, property of hieromonk Joachim and Sofianou. Although the bulk of the relics was lost in various historical circumstances, the small museum exposed images, including St. John the Theologian (16th century), Agios Nikolaos (17th century), the ένθρονου Pantokrator Church of Zoodochos Pigi’s and Monday’s presence, works of the well-known Hanioti painter Emmanuel Skordili priest around. Also kept filigreed gold canonicals, handwritten operating 12th-century, newer manuscripts, books and documents, crosses and other ecclesiastical relics.<span style="\"font-size:" medium;\"="">
Aeges are located on the south side of the Macedonian fields. The name stands for “the place with many herds”. An omen that is said to have been given to Perdikkas
The Museum of the History of the Greek Costume is a museum with a vestiary content. In its collection one can find 25.000 objects, especially costumes and jewellery of the historic greek area, copies of Minoan, archaic and byzantine costumes, as well as 23 porcelane dolls dressed in traditional outfits.
FAIRY TALE MEETS DREAM-Every year, in the beginning of June, just before sunrise in the morning mist, around Frangokastello appear black-clad human-like shadows with swords and helmets, which head, on horse or on foot, close to the castle.
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